5 package joeq.ClassLib.Common.java.util.zip;
7 /***
8 * PendingBuffer
9 *
10 * @author John Whaley <jwhaley@alum.mit.edu>
11 * @version $Id: PendingBuffer.java 1712 2004-04-28 17:36:13Z joewhaley $
12 */
13 class PendingBuffer {
15 protected byte[] buf;
16 int start;
17 int end;
19 int bits;
20 int bitCount;
22 public PendingBuffer()
23 {
24 this( 4096 );
25 }
27 public PendingBuffer(int bufsize)
28 {
29 buf = new byte[bufsize];
30 }
32 public final void reset() {
33 start = end = bitCount = 0;
34 }
36 public final void writeByte(int b)
37 {
38 if (DeflaterConstants.DEBUGGING && start != 0)
39 throw new IllegalStateException();
40 buf[end++] = (byte) b;
41 }
43 public final void writeShort(int s)
44 {
45 if (DeflaterConstants.DEBUGGING && start != 0)
46 throw new IllegalStateException();
47 buf[end++] = (byte) s;
48 buf[end++] = (byte) (s >> 8);
49 }
51 public final void writeInt(int s)
52 {
53 if (DeflaterConstants.DEBUGGING && start != 0)
54 throw new IllegalStateException();
55 buf[end++] = (byte) s;
56 buf[end++] = (byte) (s >> 8);
57 buf[end++] = (byte) (s >> 16);
58 buf[end++] = (byte) (s >> 24);
59 }
61 public final void writeBlock(byte[] block, int offset, int len)
62 {
63 if (DeflaterConstants.DEBUGGING && start != 0)
64 throw new IllegalStateException();
65 System.arraycopy(block, offset, buf, end, len);
66 end += len;
67 }
69 public final int getBitCount() {
70 return bitCount;
71 }
73 public final void alignToByte() {
74 if (DeflaterConstants.DEBUGGING && start != 0)
75 throw new IllegalStateException();
76 if (bitCount > 0)
77 {
78 buf[end++] = (byte) bits;
79 if (bitCount > 8)
80 buf[end++] = (byte) (bits >>> 8);
81 }
82 bits = 0;
83 bitCount = 0;
84 }
86 public final void writeBits(int b, int count)
87 {
88 if (DeflaterConstants.DEBUGGING && start != 0)
89 throw new IllegalStateException();
90 if (DeflaterConstants.DEBUGGING)
91 System.err.println("writeBits("+Integer.toHexString(b)+","+count+")");
92 bits |= b << bitCount;
93 bitCount += count;
94 if (bitCount >= 16) {
95 buf[end++] = (byte) bits;
96 buf[end++] = (byte) (bits >>> 8);
97 bits >>>= 16;
98 bitCount -= 16;
99 }
100 }
102 public final void writeShortMSB(int s) {
103 if (DeflaterConstants.DEBUGGING && start != 0)
104 throw new IllegalStateException();
105 buf[end++] = (byte) (s >> 8);
106 buf[end++] = (byte) s;
107 }
109 public final boolean isFlushed() {
110 return end == 0;
111 }
113 /***
114 * Flushes the pending buffer into the given output array. If the
115 * output array is to small, only a partial flush is done.
116 *
117 * @param output the output array;
118 * @param offset the offset into output array;
119 * @param length the maximum number of bytes to store;
120 * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if offset or length are
121 * invalid.
122 */
123 public final int flush(byte[] output, int offset, int length) {
124 if (bitCount >= 8)
125 {
126 buf[end++] = (byte) bits;
127 bits >>>= 8;
128 bitCount -= 8;
129 }
130 if (length > end - start)
131 {
132 length = end - start;
133 System.arraycopy(buf, start, output, offset, length);
134 start = 0;
135 end = 0;
136 }
137 else
138 {
139 System.arraycopy(buf, start, output, offset, length);
140 start += length;
141 }
142 return length;
143 }
145 /***
146 * Flushes the pending buffer and returns that data in a new array
147 */
149 public final byte[] toByteArray()
150 {
151 byte[] ret = new byte[ end - start ];
152 System.arraycopy(buf, start, ret, 0, ret.length);
153 start = 0;
154 end = 0;
155 return ret;
156 }
158 }